How To Grow Japanese Maple Trees From Seed

The most easy and less expensive way to get the seeds of the Japanese maple tree requires the patience until the autumn. These seeds can be easily collected from the nursery, the reason behind waiting until the fall is that it is the best time to yield the seeds from the tree. The most prominent indication that the seeds are ready for the use is their change in the color, as they tend to get the brown color at that stage. It is customary for the blazing trees to have seeds enclosed inside a hard shell. There is a downside in growing the maple trees from the seeds instead of grafting, it can take quite a longer time to complete the whole process and will require from you the severe patience.

Things really get well when the outer cover of the seed becomes soft, from this point the waiting period dramatically reduces. So, how to make the cover just a little softer? Well, the usual process is to bury the seed in the ground so that it may pass one winter and the winter becomes responsible for the softening of the outer cover.

This whole process can be completed without burying the seed into the soil. Our ultimate goal is to make the outer cover a little softer so that it can break away and the seed may proceed for the next stage. The process that happens below the surface can be replicated over the surface as well through some simple but accurately done steps. This will reduce the time from one year to only 3 months which by any standard is a giant leap. The process starts almost three month before the actual plantation of the seeds. You have to simulate the same conditions that the seed face under the surface but in a quick go. 

Take a flask that can afford to keep the water hot for some time, pour some hot water into the flask, then put some seeds in it. You will notice that the seeds have not sunk down to the bottom and this indicates that the seeds are usable. Now leave the seeds in such condition for nearly a complete day. Eventually the water will lose the heat, and you will take out the seeds. This step generally involves little trouble, next you have to place them into a bag, which will have sand and all the natural elements of the soil. 

Make some holes through the bag for the flow of air and now place the bag in a cold place, which most probably will be a fridge or something. You have to wait for three months so that the outer cover of these seeds may get softer. And now the seeds are ready to be planted in the normal soil. If everything goes well then you can bypass the waiting period of complete one year.

Now it is time to place the seeds into the soil, you are not required to dig down deep for this process. You only need to put them on top of the soil. After that the only thing that you need to remember is the watering schedule. Firstly you have to water them very well, and then you have to wait for the water to completely dry out before going out for another try. Remember this is the initial stage, and any negligence can result in the bleak chances of any growth. 

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