How, When And Where To Grow Japanese Maples

How, when and where to grow Japanese maples

The seasons change throughout the year, and each season has its own looks and there are many plants that manifest their beauty in them. But there are hardly few plants which are not known for their seasons, but it is the season that is known by them. Japanese maples proudly lie in this category of plants. How do we know the winter? By its chilling snow, by its icy landscapes, well winter is just not about the white color, it is about orange, red and yellow as well. If all this sound a bit surprising then let me add a missing detail, it is Japanese maples. The elegant green flora exhibits the mentioned colors in full vivid outburst. On a chilling autumn evening a visit to a garden having these beautiful plants will make you astonish at the fact that the broken leaves of these plants are like whirling flames.

Japanese maples otherwise known as Acer Palmatum are the local breed of China, Korea and obviously of Japan, from where these charming maples get the first part of their name. Lush soil of acid or neutral nature is the most favored place that these small trees bloom. Don’t worry if you have got alkaline soil in your area; try to grow them in large pots to enjoy the enriched experience. As these plants have shallow root system, for this reason moisture gets top priority in their daily needs. A nice suggestion would be to water the newly planted maples to fulfill this requirement. This might sound like the plant cannot endure the dry soil which is not exactly the case. It can grow in un-favored conditions, but the downside is that it will not carry the same liveliness for which it is known.

As with every beauty, there come bunch of instructions to maintain it, this is somewhat the case with dazzling Japanese maples. It cannot stand the direct hot sunshine, and in many cases turns the foliage into green. So you should avoid planting these delicate trees in the areas where they have to face the sun. A shade can solve this problem if the sun is unavoidable in your area. This way you can save the exotic and exciting species from burning. There are levels of burning, initially the colour of leaves start to faint, this is the first indication that there something wrong with the plant. If this is ignored, the plant will get severely damaged over the time. If you are planting the tree because you found them wonderful then you should pay some attention to save them from fatal damages.

When it comes about the variety, Japanese maples will make you astonish just as it does with its looks. With more than 100 varieties it is surely going to give you the much needed freedom of imagination. Apart from staggering diversity in colors, these amazing trees come in different sizes as well. So this also gives you a choice to put them almost anywhere in the home from the dining hall to your auspicious lawn. These trees have height from 3 to 30 feet, which is enough range to accommodate them in many different places. The overall structure show mesmerizing harmony, the branches flow outward and resembles remarkably with clouds.

Japanese maples are easily available in different trunk forms, ranging from single to multiple. The former are the best match for formal official ambiance and the later add its own looks to the informal setting. Single trunked are known for their sober and mature looks for which you will find them in most of the official buildings while multi trunked are most of the times suit the home and casual environment. Undersized maples can become handy in the places where you are running out of space. If you want to purchase them, then factors like, the available space, the nature of building and the desired color scheme can greatly make the decision making process much less hectic.

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