How To Change The Pot Of Japanese Maple Trees

As with every plant that grows in a pot it becomes rudimentary to change the pot after couple of years, this is true in the case of Japanese maple tree as well. The potted trees are often placed inside the home and offices, and the pot itself plays an important role in the aesthetic aspect of the plant because often the tree is placed inside the buildings as a centre of attraction. The change in the color scheme of the environment can sometime become the reason behind changing the pot of the tree. Moreover hygienically it is desired to change the pot as it can easily become a hideout of contaminated items.

The change will give a new look to the same old maple tree which actually will freshen the environment as well. Experts suggest that the ideal time for this procedure is the middle of spring season. The wisdom behind this act is explained by the gardeners by stating the fact that it is better to change the pot before the emergence of new leaves. There are some simple instructions that are required to be followed to successfully achieve the end results. Moisture plays a vital role for the Japanese maple trees, as the change in the pot will involve the soil to be kept in open air for some time and this can cause the dehydration for the lovely tree. To avoid such situation the plant should be watered regularly before going for such a venture.

The new soil should be fertile enough to fulfill the growing needs of the Japanese maple trees. It is a well known fact that the ideal soil for these trees is of acidic or neutral nature as they cannot tolerate the alkaline soil comfortably. The new soil should confirm these essential requirements so that change may bring favorable results instead of trouble.

Another important factor to keep in mind is that Japanese maple trees are not known for their tolerance for over dosage of water. An over dose can severely damage the root system which eventually will leave the tree with extreme problems. The pot plays a vital role in the drainage of the water, so all the expert recommend that the change in pot is a good opportunity to place some stones at the base of the pot to achieve the safety measure.
The maple tree should be pulled out of the pot avoiding any damage to the leaves and bark. The more gently you will complete the process the more smoothly the plant will pull out from the pot. Hold the base of the tree to achieve greater control over the complete tree. Place some stones in the new pot and make a layer of the soil to cover these stones. This will ensure the optimal drainage of the water from the pot. Place the tree gently in the new pot, and try to achieve the same altitude of soil as it used to have in the old pot.

Now it is time to fill the pot completely with the new soil. The process of changing the pot ends here but for couple of weeks it should be kept under observation for any unusual event. The new soil should be watered regularly to keep the moisturizing level at a desirable state. If you notice any change in the color of leaves apart from the usual transition then it should not be taken lightly as this might have something to do with the new soil or pot.

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