Japanese Maples Planting Tips

Certain factors dominate the life of a Japanese maple, the shallowness of its roots, the need for acid or neutral soil and protection from extreme weather are to name a few. It cannot be more effectively emphasized that when you are about to plant maple tree your course of action will be guided by these factors. Take the shallow roots for an instance which demands the moisturized soil and easy water access. This factor gives an opportunity of planting them into shallow pots, which can sometime be very handy. It is this feature that gives them edge over many other plants as well, as they can be easily placed inside the buildings of homes and offices. If the soil is alkaline, try adding easily available organic substitute for acid or neutral soil. The bottom line is very clear that there are many ways to overcome problems associated with these trees.

To increase the growth of Japanese maples, conventional methods like the use of fertilizers can greatly help. If these are planted in the garden then obviously they will require more fertilizers as compared to potted plants. A restricted amount of fertilizer in the winter season for potted maples can amazingly increase the growth. These plants should be watered when the water is completely dried out. Mineral water will do no good for them as the amount of associated minerals can change the composition of natural balance. The expert gardeners suggest the use of water with great care as it constitutes the greater part in their photosynthesis process. Rain can act as a great tonic for these trees and you should not worry if they often get a shower of rain. This does not only give them a refreshing look but also helps in maintain them the correct order of minerals.

Japanese maples enjoy the most colorful outer layer of stems which for the plant act as protective tissue and for a spectator a true realization that nature can sometime be very surprising. The colors range from green, orange, pink, yellow and red. The true intensity fully arrives in the sunshine of winter, the more it is exposed to the sun in this season the more the colors gets intensified. Many maples come into full bloom in the springs, and color with the freshness gives he very rare beauty to the environment. The fading of colors is a process that is runs throughout the year without a break. If there are no leaves, a condition that happens on particular season, even then it gives an altogether mesmerizing matchless looks to the ambiance.

The good behavior of this plant will give you pleasant surprise. Take for an instance the problem of fallen leaves which is the most common trouble with all the trees. But Japanese maples are so well behaved regarding their broken leaves. They not only decompose too quickly but being light weight they are easily blown away by normal day wind. This will not only save much effort on the cleanup but eventually will give a neat and clean feeling of the environment. The trimming is easier than any other tree. Every now and then they require a little pruning that will keep them tidy, and over the time you will learn that it is really a fun job. The roots are shallow which solves an impending problem associated with trees that over the long period of time the roots of many trees become too much invasive that handling them sometimes requires professional help but Japanese maples are free from such trouble making.

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