Fertilizing The Japanese Maple Trees

The Japanese maples do not require additional fertilization if the soil is already known to be fertile. Fertilization of soil is a vital element in the overall growth of the maple tree and the experts describe the need of fertile soil as essential. The vibrancy in the color of leaves depend on two important factors; the appropriate sunlight and the fertility of the soil. So to fully appreciate the colors and bloom of these trees it is essential to take in account the proper analysis of the fertility of soil.

If the soil is known to be less fertile then appropriate fertilization for the Japanese maple tree becomes indispensable. The newly planted maple trees require fertilizers for the ideal growth and establishment of the root system. It is generally a well known fact that the best fertilizer to be used at this stage is the one that contains fine amount of phosphorous. The first four month require suitable quantity of this fertilizer so that the plant can have strong roots which will bring the strong grip of soil, this is essentially required for the sustenance of the young maple tree.

Often it is assumed that if a land is known to have fertility then it will maintain this quality over an indefinite period of time. This is not accurate scientifically. Fertility is not a constant state and a land can lose some of it and even can gain it through natural means. The expert gardeners recommend checking the level of fertilization in the ground on yearly basis. If you notice that the trees are losing their vibrant colors that earlier they used to have then it is a good reason for the inspection of soil.

The tall trees can grow exceptionally if they are provided with the recommended amount of fertilizers after couple of years. The small trees and shrubs on the other hand require this attention yearly. If you are unsure about the exact nature of the soil, then tests are conducted to check the exact level of the required elements. It is a good practice to go for such tests as they will bring a clear picture of the problem.

Sometimes the soil is lacking only a specific nutrient and other elements are present in it abundantly, so in this case adding a general fertilizer will not be a feasible solution. It will remove the deficiency of that specific nutrient but eventually it is going to overdose the soil with other nutrients. This is the sole reason behind testing the soil, as it will bring about the exact nutrient that needs to be added in the soil. The general and specific fertilizers are available in the market easily but before buying you should be clear about your choice.
It should be clear enough that fertilizers are only used as a supplementary item and the plant should not rely solely on them.

The amount of fertilization varies for the new trees and the adult trees. These recommended amounts can be confirmed from an expert gardener as they can tell any necessary precaution for a particular Japanese maple tree. One thing should be kept in mind that adding fertilization in the spring is not a good idea as it will enforce the quick growth of the leaves which in the long term will weaken the plant. In the spring season the plant should be allowed to grow on its natural resources and no artificial element is required at this stage. Fertilizers should be added in the seasons which are not known for any growth.

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